The 5 Minute Pitch

San Diego, Ca
10X Business Letter

Dear Business Builder,

You have only 5 minutes to present, what do you do?…

What do you say?…

How do you organize your ideas?…

There is only one correct answer: It depends.

It depends on:

  • Your outcome
  • How much you know about your audience
  • How much they know about your topic
  • Their attitude about your topic
  • The context of your presentation

And much more…

That is why the game of presenting and influencing is so challenging and rewarding at the same time. The poor presenters struggle while the great ones end up swimming in cash.

Recently one of our subscribers asked me this question:

“Can you throw some tips on how to kind of engage, arouse their interest and hold them together AND deliver my message in that period?”

So, we recorded this video answering his question; describing one of the presentation structures we use to deliver a 5-minute persuasive talk.

Here is the video:


P.S. If you want even more presentation structures, check out our online module HERE!

Loving Living Giving Large,

Jeff Paro
Editor, 10X Business Letter

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