[Video] “7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence Part 6”
10X Business Letter
San Diego, Ca
Rainy 55 Degrees
Dear 10X Business Builder,
Have you ever lost your train of thought during a presentation?
If you have, you know how terrifying it is!! Not only it is embarrassing but, it’s also counter-productive.
If you have not and you do a lot of presentations, it is just a matter of time before it happens to you. I am not being negative, it is just the nature of the speaking and presentation business.
In this video I share with you a quick story when I lost my train of thought in front of live audience for over 1 minute…man…that was outrageous!!!
If there was one thing that I learned from that experience is that you can handle this situation effectively if happens again.
In this quick video, you will discover 3 strategies to help you in the event you ever lose your train of thought in front of a live audience. Take out your pen and paper to write them down, they are life-savers….
Here is the video:
Roberto Monaco
The 10X Business Letter
Co-Founder, Influenceology
Video Series Content
- [Video Series] “7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence”
- [Video Series] 7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence Part 2
- [Video Series] “7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence Part 3”
- [Video Series] “7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence Part 4”
- [Video] “7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence Part 5”
- [Video] “7 Ways to Transform Pause into Influence Part 6”
- [Video] “7 Ways to Transform a Pause into Influence Part 7″