Conversations with myself.

10X Business Letter

San Diego, Ca

Mostly Sunny 69 Degrees


Dear 10X Business Builder,

What do you tell yourself right before you present?

Is the conversation that you have with yourself empowering or disempowering you?

Do you feel that the story you tell yourself before your sales presentations impact your performance?

One factor that separates the superstar sales professionals, speakers and leaders from the pack is their capacity to control this conversation (also known as internal dialogue, story or inner-voice) consistently before and during their presentations.

It is amazing how this small idea can have such a big impact in one’s career. In my 14-year career as a speaker and speaking coach I learned that: “The story you tell yourself is more important than the story you tell others”

One of the things that I do to control the story I tell myself before my talks is incantations. In this video, I share with you one of my incantations that I do before I speak ( I know it is kind of weird, but it works for me).

Here is my incantation:

Roberto Monaco

Contributor, The 10X Business Letter

Co-Founder, Influenceology

PS: Improve the story you are telling yourself and others, check out this once-in-a-lifetime deal (Chiros) (Business Speakers)


  1. Tish on November 22, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    Adorei Roberto! Keep it coming!

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