[Interview] Business Innovators Radio | Confidence

I was recently interviewed by Ana Rosenberg of Business Innovators Radio on the subject of Confidence.

In this short interview you’ll discover:

  • What is confidence to me (Roberto)?
  • Why purpose and reason for speaking is so important.
  • A common pitfall to avoid: having this belief guarantees anxiety and ruins confidence.
  • What’s possible no matter where you currently stand with your confidence
  • What inspired me to start Influenceology and I do what I do.
  • A lesson that I learned early on about Confidence that has stayed with me to today.
  • What I do to make sure I have less “off days”.
  • And my #1 Tip to build up Speaking Confidence


  1. Neil Steadman on October 28, 2016 at 10:14 am

    Thank you for your generous offers.

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